Biological Pathways to Psychopathology: From genes and the environment to brain and behavior


This seminar will introduce students to methods and recent empirical literature evaluating links between genes, brain, and behavior. This research is beginning to illuminate specific biological pathways shaping risk for psychopathology. In particular, the course focuses on the design, analysis, and interpretation of multimodal research (e.g., fMRI, PET, EEG, pharmacology, molecular genetics, environmental assessment/manipulation) examining the biological underpinnings of behavior relevant to psychopathology. Primary journal articles, reviews, and book chapters are the readings for this seminar. PREREQ: Psych 100B and one of the following: Genes, Environment, and Human Behavior (Psych 345), Biological Psychology (Psych 3401), or Principles of Biology II (Biol 2970); OR Graduate Standing (prior coursework in psychology, neuroscience, and genetics is advised).
Course Attributes: AS NSM; FA SSC; AR SSC

Section 01

Biological Pathways to Psychopathology: From genes and the environment to brain and behavior - 01