Digital Transformation Search - “Natural Language Analytics and the Psychology of Verbal Behavior"

Ryan Boyd, Ph.D. Lancaster University Assistant Professor

The digital era has provided us with access to human data at a scale that was unimaginable a mere decade ago. Much of this data is in the form of natural language, requiring creative analytic solutions to transform "unstructured" language data into actionable psychological metrics. However, much of the research in this space uses outdated (or worse: uninformed) paradigms to predict things about people from their words and other digital traces. However, innovative strategies for collecting, quantifying, and analyzing natural language data can provide new insights into foundational questions in psychological science. In this talk, I will discuss several new methods for analyzing verbal behavioral data to better understand psychological and social processes, broadly defined. Recent and ongoing projects from my lab, including research on emotions and relationships, will be used to highlight contemporary developments in language analytics within psychological science.



Topic: Ryan Boyd Search talk

Time: Jun 16, 2021 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)


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