Virtual Colloquium - "Cognition on the Go: The Opportunities and Challenges for Mobile Cognitive Health Research"

Martin Sliwinski, Ph.D. Pennsylvania State University

Dr. Martin Sliwinski is Director of the Center for Healthy Aging, Gregory H. Wolf Professor of Aging Studies, and Professor of Human Development & Family Studies at the Pennsylvania State University in University Park, PA. His expertise is in topics of cognition, aging, stress, and mobile assessment. He is lead investigator on large National Institute on Aging grants, including Mobile Monitoring of Cognitive Change (M2C2) and the Einstein Aging Study (EAS). Dr. Sliwinski and his team develop and validate cognitive assessments that can be delivered via smartphones in order to obtain high precision measurements of cognitive function and to assess subtle variations and changes in cognitive performance in the context of everyday life. Dr. Sliwinski is a Fellow of the Gerontological Society of America and the American Psychological Society.

Abstract: Dr. Sliwinski will describe his recent work on developing mobile assessments of cognitive performance. Cognitive decline is a defining feature of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Tracking cognitive change is also central to clinical and research applications focused on normative cognitive aging and other health applications. Traditional approaches to measuring cognition are, however, hampered by retrospective reporting biases and inaccuracies, unmeasured sources of within-person variability, and the artificial nature of the testing environment. Additionally, ambulatory methods allow the study of ‘real-time’ relationships between risk exposures (e.g., stress, pain, poor sleep) and cognitive function in daily life, which can provide novel opportunities for developing personalized and time-sensitive interventions.

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