The Mental Health Crisis in Higher Education
In the last decade, college campuses have seen unprecedented increases in the proportion of students suffering from mental health problems. Many institutions have responded by increasing the number of mental health counselors available in student health centers, making the accommodations at disability resource centers more robust, and providing safe spaces for students to process incidents and events that have triggered them. Are such interventions improving the well-being of today's students or might they actually be further encumbering students' psychological health? This discussion-based course will explore arguments made on all sides of this provocative debate and examine research on the nature of today's college students and what resources and services most contribute to their psychological health and well-being. Enrollment is limited to 15 students. PREREQ: Psych 100B and at least 6 units of advanced home-based psychology courses.
Course Attributes: EN S; BU BA; AS SSC; FA SSC; AR SSC