2023 Mayo Clinic Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship

The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF): This program, sponsored by the Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, is ideal for college students considering, or curious about, biomedical research careers.

By immersing themselves in a research lab, the SURF offers students an exciting way to build their skills as young scientists and test their inclinations toward research. They will have the opportunity to be mentored by top-notch scientists, to conduct exciting real-world research, and to form lasting relationships with faculty, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students and other SURF participants. 

The SURF award is $6,000, and the 2023 program is scheduled to run from May 30th through August 4th. Applications for the program must be received by February 1, 2023

Students can apply to the program if they:

·         Have completed two or three years at a U.S. college or university at the time the SURF program begins

·         Have a grade point average of at least 3.0 (4.0 scale)

·         Are seriously considering a biomedical research career as a Ph.D. or M.D.-Ph.D.


We are eager to bring together a wide variety of talented, motivated students from all ethnic, geographic, educational and economic groups. Applicants from underrepresented minority groups are strongly encouraged to apply. If you would share the attached flyer and forward this email to colleagues and students who may be interested in this program, or who can help us disseminate this information, we would be most appreciative. 

In addition to the attached flyer and brief application instructions that can be found below, information about the SURF is available online – https://college.mayo.edu/academics/biomedical-research-training/summer-undergraduate-research-fellowship-surf/

For questions and inquiries, please contact mayoSURFprogram@mayo.edu.

And, of course, we too are happy to answer all questions you or others may have about the program and the application process.

Wishing you all the best,

Tania Gendron and Hugo Guerrero-Cazares 


Tania Gendron, Ph.D.


cell phone: 904-316-7692

office number: 904-953-6414


Hugo Guerrero-Cazares M.D., Ph.D.


cell phone: 443-847-2070

office number: 904-953-0118



Application instructions

(Modified from https://college.mayo.edu/academics/biomedical-research-training/summer-undergraduate-research-fellowship-surf/application-process/)

Complete the following steps to apply:

1.       Create an account to begin the online Application for Admission

·         Select - Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

·         Select one of the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) programs available. Make sure your location of preference is available; if not, you can pick a different SURF program (e.g., Neuroscience SURF, Immunology SURF, BMB SURF, etc.)

2.       Complete each section of the application and submit

3.       After submission, view the required Supplemental Items and Documents

·         Upload each required item in the Supplemental Items section 

·         Complete the Recommendation Request section 

A complete application includes the completed online application, a personal statement, a transcript (official is preferred but unofficial is accepted), and two letters of recommendation.

