Below is an announcement for the graduate training program at the IMPRS for Molecular Life Sciences in Munich, Germany. Links to flyers (‘poster general’ and ‘poster neuroscience’) are at the bottom.
The International Max Planck Research School for Molecular Life Sciences (IMPRS-LS) is a PhD program that brings together two renowned Munich based Max Planck Institutes (MPI of Biochemistry and MPI of Neurobiology) as well as two leading German universities, the LMU and TUM, to deliver first class doctoral training for the world‘s most promising young scientists.
The students enjoy world class research facilities, dedicated training workshops and supervision from faculty members who are leaders in their respective fields. Combined with a focus on early independence in research, the PhD program ensures those aiming for a successful career in science have the very best starting platform.
More than 60 distinguished group leaders actively participate in the PhD program and offer challenging and cutting-edge PhD projects in the following areas:
- Biophysics & Bio-imaging
- Computational & Systems Biology
- Gene Regulation & DNA Biology
- Circuit Neuroscience & Neurodegeneration
- Protein Structure & Protein Folding
- Signalling & Immunology
Talented, creative and enthusiastic students with a commitment to basic science are invited to apply before November 15, 2019.
All students accepted to the program will receive a generous PhD fellowship including social benefits and travel support.
Further information and application details are available at:
Additional links: