We have received applications from some wonderful female counselors, but are still in need of at least 5 more male counselors at each camp. For every male counselor we accept, we are able to accept 3 male campers.
Annie’s Hope - the Bereavement Center for Kids based in St. Louis, MO - hosts 2 overnight camps (Camp Courage and Camp Erin- St. Louis) for grieving children and teens. No need to worry that Camp Courage and Camp Erin will be a sad experience, though. This is a fun-filled, exciting experience where kids can be kids. We are looking for an energetic, kid loving group of people over the age of 18 to volunteer as cabin counselors, arts 'n crafts volunteers, and helping hands (they assist with various tasks that need to be completed throughout the week). This is a great opportunity for students to get experience working with children and also to learn about the grief process.
Here are some details on the camps:
Camp Courage will serve children between the ages of 6 and 11. The volunteer dates for counselors, including training, are June 3rd-9th and will be held at Camp Wartburg in Waterloo, IL.
Camp Erin will serve teens between the ages of 12 and 18. The volunteer dates for counselors, including training, are June 10th-16th and will also be held at Camp Wartburg in Waterloo, IL.
Attached are important, basic information about both camps. The information may also be accessed directly from our web site, www.annieshope.org. The more volunteers we recruit, the more grieving kids we can accept.
Please feel free to call or email me with any questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you!
Kylie McCarver, MSW, LMSW
Program Coordinator
Annie's Hope - The Bereavement Center for Kids
1333 W. Lockwood, Ste 104
St. Louis, MO 63122
Office: 314-965-5015
Fax: 314-918-1438
- Volunteer Application
- Volunteer Flier
- CC-CE.Info.Sheet10.27.14.pdf