Inside the Disordered Brain: Biological Bases of the Major Mental Disorders


How do subtle disturbances in brain circuits lead to abnormal behavior and psychopathology? This course provides students with a working knowledge of our rapidly evolving understanding of brain circuits that create order in our social, emotional and cognitive worlds, and how disorder within these circuits leads to a broad range of psychopathology including depression, anxiety, phobias, PTSD, OCD, addiction, schizophrenia, psychopathy and violence. PREREQ: Psych 100B and one of the following: Biological Psychology (Psych 3401), Psychopathology and Mental Health (Psych 354), or a basic Biology/Neuroscience course.
Course Attributes: FA NSM; AR NSM; AS NSM

Section 01

Inside the Disordered Brain: Biological Bases of the Major Mental Disorders
View Course Listing - SP2024
View Course Listing - SP2025