David Archer

Technical Support Specialist III


Arts and Sciences Outstanding Staff Award 2008-2009 

Job Responsibilities

  • Supports and Maintains Department Resource Scheduling System. 
  • Provide installation, configuration, diagnostic and repair services for Windows, Macintosh, and Linux operating systems, hardware, applications, and utilities.
  • Install and maintain printers, including networked printers.
  • Diagnose failed network connections.
  • Assign IP addresses
  • Network port activation
  • Provide consulting to faculty for computer hardware and software purchases.
  • Provide training assistance for new hardware and software for Department members.
  • Provide installations and support for University information systems, such as FIS, Telesis, and Workday.
  • Diagnose computers that pose a security risk to other computers on the network.
  • Department Webmaster
  • Department Photographer
  • Assist with A/V equipment setup (data projectors, plotter, laptops).
  • Coordinates the weekly "General Department Notices".
  • Maintains the "Weekly Talks" schedule of events.

contact info:

mailing address:

  • Washington University
  • CB 1125
  • One Brookings Drive
  • St. Louis, MO 63130-4899
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