Clinical Science Training Program

Here's a quick fact sheet about our program.


The clinical program is devoted to training clinical scientists and to the promotion of the integration of science and practice.  Our primary goal is to train students who will lead the search for new knowledge regarding the assessment, understanding, and treatment of psychological disorders.  Some students in the clinical program also pursue specialized training (e.g., neuroscience, neuropsychology, quantitative methods). 


The Clinical Science Training program is a member of the Academy of Psychological Clinical Science. It is accredited by the Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System and by the American Psychological Association. Please see our full statement on accreditation for guidance about our future with these accreditation systems.


Research activities in the clinical area are closely tied to basic science areas in our department.  Our department includes leading investigators in the psychology of aging, cognitive neuroscience, diversity, and personality research.  The clinical area also has significant ties to psychologists in the medical school who are concerned with psychological issues associated with medical and health problems (such as tinnitus, pain, and obesity).


We are training junior investigators to apply concepts and methods from basic behavioral science to the study of clinical problems, such as schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, substance disorders. eating disorders, depression, and problems of aging.  Members of the core faculty are studying a variety of the cognitive, emotional, and motivational processes as well as brain mechanisms and genes that are associated with these phenomena.


Our students do not need to choose whether they will be scientists or practitioners; they must see these activities as being inherently intertwined, and they must be able to function in both roles. We emphasize research and academic career goals for our students consistent with our view of the future needs of our profession. However, a significant number of our graduates have positions in more applied settings. These graduates typically engage in clinical training, research, or teaching along with clinical work. 

Meet our Clinical & Associated Faculty

Learn about our faculty and their research

our clinical faculty

Contact Us

For more information about the clinical training program, contact Brain Carpenter