
HRSA's National AHEC Scholar Program is Recruiting Psychology Students Now!

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Join a national cohort of over 6,000 AHEC Scholars setting themselves apart with this nationally recognized program! The Missouri AHEC Scholars two-year program is designed to enhance and broaden your health training with a combination of didactic education and community-based field placement in a Missouri rural or underserved community.

LandiLab @Yale Child Study Center postbac RA position

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Dr. Landi is the director of the LandiLab (, of which Dr. Kleinman is a member. The LandiLab investigates typical and atypical reading and language development through the use of cognitive neuroscience methodologies (MRI, EEG/ERP) and genetic analyses.

People experiencing depression actively fight to manage their emotions

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A new study involving more than 200 St. Louis-area adults sheds light on the goals, motivations, and strategies involved in managing emotions during depression.

Fighting loneliness by finding purpose

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A new study co-authored by Patrick Hill, associate professor of psychological and brain sciences, offers an important message for our times: A sense of purpose in life — whether it’s a high-minded quest to make a difference or a simple hobby with personal meaning — can offer potent protection against loneliness.

Open Research Assistant and Post-Doc Positions at the Pediatric Anxiety Research Center

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The Pediatric Anxiety Research Center (PARC; located in Bradley Hospital in East Providence, RI and affiliated with Brown Medical School) is an integrated research and clinical program nationally recognized in pediatric OCD and anxiety.

Barch wins Gold Medal Award from the Society of Biological Psychiatry

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Deanna Barch, the Gregory B. Couch Professor of Psychiatry and professor of psychological and brain sciences, received the Gold Medal Award from the Society of Biological Psychiatry (SOBP) at their annual meeting in San Diego. The award honors “pioneering contributions” to biological psychiatry and recognizes “significant and sustained work that advances and extends knowledge” in the field.

Virtual Fair - American Physical Therapy Association

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The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) is hosting an online virtual fair for prospective DPT students to attend on Wednesday, April 26th.  This fair is free for anyone interested in applying to DPT programs and will host admissions representatives from all over the United States.  The fair will run from 10 AM – 8 PM Eastern time.

Full-Time Neuroimaging Research Tech at Washington University in St. Louis

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The laboratory of Dr. Tammie Benzinger at Washington University in St. Louis is currently hiring for multiple full-time research technician positions to work in a neuroimaging lab focused on Alzheimer disease.The research technician role is an integral part of the neuroimaging research process.

Full-time research assistant position at Adelphi University

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The LEMPert (Linking Emotion & Memory to Preference) Lab (PI: Karolina Lempert) in the Derner School of Psychology at Adelphi University is seeking a full-time research assistant/lab manager to conduct research on decision-making and aging, funded by the National Institute on Aging. Adelphi is located in Garden City, NY – just a few miles outside of New York City.

Position Available: Research Coordinator

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We are seeking a person to manage a fully remote NIH-funded study at NYU Langone Health assessing a smartphone-based tool for migraine management.

Paid summer psychology job for students

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Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) is recruiting Counselors (typically undergraduate students) for our Summer Treatment Program (STP). The STP is an award winning, evidence-based program for children ages 6-12 with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) developed by William Pelham, Ph.D. and colleagues. The STP has been listed in SAMHSA's National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices. 

2 Full-Time Openings at UH RESTORE Lab

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Provides expertise in support of research projects in social science, behavioral science, or humanities, includingpsychology, sociology, education, etc. Performs advanced testing procedures, data collection, and analysis.Prepares reports. May work with human subjects and contribute to grant proposal development. Ensuresexperiments are performed according to specifications. May make recommendations to changes in procedure,processes, or experimental design. May prepare and/or edit research papers, proposals and reports.Understandsand applies fundamental theoretical concepts. Develops understanding of advanced theoretical concepts.Duties:Work is varied and somewhat difficult. Originality and ingenuity is required.Supervision: Receives direct supervisionreferring complex situation to higher levels.