
Back Results for: Undergraduate

Psychology Post-Baccalaureate Program at UCI

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The Post-Baccalaureate Program in Psychological Science at the University of California, Irvine is currently accepting applications for Fall 2025 admissions. Below is information about the program (including details on their upcoming information session), along with a program flyer.

STEM Funding and Research Opportunities -

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Once again, we are enlisting your help in connecting students with STEM funding and opportunities – such as paid summer research, graduate fellowships, and graduate programs.

Environmental Organizing Fellowship Opportunity for Washington University Students

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Green Corps Organizer Program - The Field School for Environmental Organizing Green Corps is looking for college graduates who are ready to take on the biggest environmental challenges of our day.

Help with Call for Psychology Research

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Present your research in Biological Sciences or Psychology at the University of Chicago on Nov. 1-2, 2024 Midstates Consortium for Math and Science Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Biological Sciences and Psychology Application deadline: September 27, 2024

University of Michigan Diversity Recruitment Weekend

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Join us for a (free and online) weekend of workshops and panel discussions designed to prepare students for the graduate admissions process, including developing a strong application, writing successful statements, and strategies for gaining research experience. You will also meet with graduate students and faculty to learn about opportunities in their labs.

Assistant Researcher Position Opening at the University of Kansas: To Share with Student Listservs

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The BRAIN lab ( is seeking an Assistant Researcher to help lead our studies of brain and behavior linkages in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS). Our lab has multiple ongoing research projects investigating cognitive and sensorimotor abilities and their underlying brain systems in individuals with ASD and individuals with FXTAS.  These clinical research projects are conducted through the Clinical Child Psychology Program ( and the Life Span Institute ( at the University of Kansas and in collaboration with the Kansas Center for Autism Research and Training (KCART: ), the Division of Developmental Pediatrics at KUMC ( ), and the Hoglund Biomedical Imaging Center ( ), providing diverse research and clinical training opportunities.

Research Technician Posting

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We are seeking a research technician to join our program beginning June 1st, 2024. The research technician’s primary responsibilities will include coordinating domestic and international projects, assisting with grant submissions and projects, managing study data/paperwork, and managing the lab space and personnel.

Full-Time Research Assistant Position Available (Georgetown U.)

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Consider joining our team to train on NIH-funded child/adolescent/family health psychology and behavioral medicine research projects. We study lifestyle-based cancer risks, prevention, behavior change, and psychological aspects of cancer risk, treatment, and survivorship. We are hiring a full-time entry-level research staff member in spring/summer 2024, with a post-baccalaureate salary and benefits package. If you are interested in a career as a health professional (e.g.,  psychology, public health, medicine) and looking for ways to help you prepare for graduate or medical school, then consider becoming part of our multidisciplinary research team at Georgetown University’s Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center.

2024 Summer Research Institute at Florida Mental Health Institute (SRI@FMHI)

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On behalf of the Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute (FMHI) at USF, I would like to inform you of a potential research opportunity to share with your students. FMHI is inviting undergraduate students interested in substance use and co-occurring disorders to apply for a highly selective Summer Research Institute (SRI) funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). This program is designed for students interested in building their research skills within the context of substance use and co-occurring disorders to prepare for a Senior Thesis and/or graduate school. The SRI@FMHI is an 11-week in-person program taking place from May 23, 2024, to August 1, 2024.

UMSL School Psychology Department

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Do you want to help kids succeed in School, at home, and in life? Consider a career in School Psychology

Finding Focus: A University Student-Designed App for Better Focus

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In an era of endless distraction, the ability to focus is more valuable than ever. Finding Focus is a research-backed tool that helps students concentrate.

Point Park University- Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology Program is now accepting applications!

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We are very proud of the unique program we have created for training doctoral students in clinical psychology who are interested in working humanistically with individuals and communities. Point Park University’s Clinical Psychology program offers a Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology with a special focus on the principles and practices of Community Psychology. Our program is firmly situated in the human science tradition with a holistic, contextualized, reflexive approach toward human beings and their problems in living. Teaching psychology from this perspective distinguishes us from many other doctoral-level programs in the nation. The program is accredited on contingency by the Commission on Accreditation of the American Psychological Association. 

RESTORE Laboratory

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Provides expertise in support of physical or mental health research projects. Typically works out of a clinic or otherhealth care facility and may travel to homes, schools or residential facilities to collect data. Performs advancedtesting procedures, data collection, and analysis. Typically works directly with human subjects. Ensuresexperiments are performed according to specifications. May make recommendations to changes in procedure,processes, or experimental design. May prepare and/or edit research papers, grant proposals and reports. Duties:Work is varied and somewhat difficult. May assist in advanced functions as part of training. Supervision: Receivesdirect supervision but is expected to learn how to select from a variety of standard procedures to complete tasks.

HRSA's National AHEC Scholar Program is Recruiting Psychology Students Now!

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Join a national cohort of over 6,000 AHEC Scholars setting themselves apart with this nationally recognized program! The Missouri AHEC Scholars two-year program is designed to enhance and broaden your health training with a combination of didactic education and community-based field placement in a Missouri rural or underserved community.

LandiLab @Yale Child Study Center postbac RA position

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Dr. Landi is the director of the LandiLab (, of which Dr. Kleinman is a member. The LandiLab investigates typical and atypical reading and language development through the use of cognitive neuroscience methodologies (MRI, EEG/ERP) and genetic analyses.

Open Research Assistant and Post-Doc Positions at the Pediatric Anxiety Research Center

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The Pediatric Anxiety Research Center (PARC; located in Bradley Hospital in East Providence, RI and affiliated with Brown Medical School) is an integrated research and clinical program nationally recognized in pediatric OCD and anxiety.

Virtual Fair - American Physical Therapy Association

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The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) is hosting an online virtual fair for prospective DPT students to attend on Wednesday, April 26th.  This fair is free for anyone interested in applying to DPT programs and will host admissions representatives from all over the United States.  The fair will run from 10 AM – 8 PM Eastern time.

Full-Time Neuroimaging Research Tech at Washington University in St. Louis

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The laboratory of Dr. Tammie Benzinger at Washington University in St. Louis is currently hiring for multiple full-time research technician positions to work in a neuroimaging lab focused on Alzheimer disease.The research technician role is an integral part of the neuroimaging research process.

Full-time research assistant position at Adelphi University

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The LEMPert (Linking Emotion & Memory to Preference) Lab (PI: Karolina Lempert) in the Derner School of Psychology at Adelphi University is seeking a full-time research assistant/lab manager to conduct research on decision-making and aging, funded by the National Institute on Aging. Adelphi is located in Garden City, NY – just a few miles outside of New York City.

Position Available: Research Coordinator

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We are seeking a person to manage a fully remote NIH-funded study at NYU Langone Health assessing a smartphone-based tool for migraine management.

Paid summer psychology job for students

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Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) is recruiting Counselors (typically undergraduate students) for our Summer Treatment Program (STP). The STP is an award winning, evidence-based program for children ages 6-12 with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) developed by William Pelham, Ph.D. and colleagues. The STP has been listed in SAMHSA's National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices. 

2 Full-Time Openings at UH RESTORE Lab

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Provides expertise in support of research projects in social science, behavioral science, or humanities, includingpsychology, sociology, education, etc. Performs advanced testing procedures, data collection, and analysis.Prepares reports. May work with human subjects and contribute to grant proposal development. Ensuresexperiments are performed according to specifications. May make recommendations to changes in procedure,processes, or experimental design. May prepare and/or edit research papers, proposals and reports.Understandsand applies fundamental theoretical concepts. Develops understanding of advanced theoretical concepts.Duties:Work is varied and somewhat difficult. Originality and ingenuity is required.Supervision: Receives direct supervisionreferring complex situation to higher levels.

Undergraduate Student Research Opportunity

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Dr. Lauren Fowler and her study team at the Center for Healthy Weight and Wellness at the medical school ( are looking for an undergraduate student to get involved in a community-engaged mixed methods investigation of intersectional minority stress experiences, weight-related behaviors (eating, activity), and mental health among women who identify as sexual minorities (

Neuroscience Research Associate Program

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My name is Gabriela and I am the Project Coordinator for the Neuroscience Institute at NYU Langone Health. We are currently seeking to hire outstanding college graduates as research associates, with positions starting Summer 2023. Our research associates generally work in a lab for 2 years in preparation for applying to graduate school (PhD and MD PhD programs). Attached is an announcement describing the position with instructions on how to apply. By creating one central place for applications, we hope to make it easier for promising candidates to apply.

Undergraduate Summer Brain Research Program

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Are you interested in learning about cutting-edge neuroscience research and gaining hands-on research experience? Are you considering applying to medical or graduate school in neuroscience, psychology, healthcare, or other related fields? If so, our summer program is perfect for you. 

Social Developmental Neuroscience Fellowship Opportunities for Seniors and Recent Graduates

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The Marcus Autism Center, in conjunction with the Emory University School of Medicine and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, is offering six fellowships: the Cohen Fellowship in Developmental Social Neuroscience, the Simons Fellowship in Computational Neuroscience, the Education Sciences Fellowship, the Sally Provence Fellowship in Clinical Research, the Roger Glass Fellowship in Implementation Science, and the David Satcher Fellowship in Community Engagement.

2023 Mayo Clinic Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship

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The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF): This program, sponsored by the Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, is ideal for college students considering, or curious about, biomedical research careers.

Summer Undergrad Research Fellowships available!

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Apply Now: Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships for Underrepresented Students! Are you a scientist who wants to mentor a student this summer? Are you a student from an underrepresented group who wants to gain research experience before applying to graduate school?  APA is offering $4,000 to help students gain research experience with a scientist on a campus they choose, $1,000 for mentors, and $1,500 for students to present their work. Learn more. Don’t forget our dissertation awards —now offering $5,000–$10,000 in funding plus travel. 

APA funding summer undergrad research for underrepresented students!!

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A new opportunity recently created by APA for underrepresented undergraduate psychology majors

Post-Baccalaureate Program in Applied Psychology

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UT Austin is recruiting graduating seniors who want to use science and technology to make a positive impact on the world. Come spend next year contributing to a fast-paced, mission-driven effort to improve the focus and emotional resilience of teens across the country.

WUSTL ENDURE Summer 2023 Application Opens November 1st!

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Full Time WUSTL RA Job Listing

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Service Year Opportunity

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Full-time RA opening at Boston Children's Hospital

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Paid Summer Research Opportunity

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The Weight, Eating, and Lifestyle (WELL) Center at Drexel University is proud and excited to share the Minority Pipeline for Obesity, Weight, and Eating Research (mPOWER). We are recruiting undergraduate students, post-baccs, and graduate students from racially and ethnically diverse backgrounds for an 8-week, paid summer fellowship.

Join us for a PhD Recruitment Webinar

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The Developmental Training Area in the Department of Psychology at Arizona State University is recruiting 3-4 graduate students for 2022-2023. Faculty considering new students are:  Thao Ha, Frank Infurna,  Kelsey Lucca,  Leah Doane. Recruiting faculty interests include: development of romantic relationships and adjustment; healthy aging and resilience; the developmental and evolutionary foundations of human cognition, curiosity, and communication; culturally- and genetically-informed studies of associations among proximal sociocultural processes, socio-emotional and stressful experiences, physiological stress processes, and sleep in the prediction of subsequent health and adjustment.  We are committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging and highly encourage individuals from marginalized backgrounds to apply. 

Full-Time Research Assistant in Northwestern University’s Affective & Clinical Neuroscience Laboratory

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We are hiring a full-time with benefits research study assistant to work on NIH-funded projects examining the role of neuroimmune signaling in generating both risk and resilience for mental and physical health problems. The goal of this work is to better understand how “stress gets under the skin” during development to increase risk for depression, addiction, and co-occurring cardiometabolic health problems. This is an ideal position for a candidate interested in gaining hands-on experience before pursuing medical school or a PhD program in neuroscience, psychology, or a related field.

Job Announcement Women’s Shelter Advocate

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Washburn University Clinical Psychology Program Open House!

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RA Position Wash U Psychiatry

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The medical school at Washington University and we have a couple research positions open in which recently  graduated psychology students might have interest.

Clinical Research Assitant Position

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Dr. Radoeva’s research program focuses on advancing our understanding of the brain and behavior mechanisms underlying psychiatric disorders. In particular, there is a focus on autism spectrum disorder, mood disorders and sleep difficulties. Under Dr. Radoeva’s general supervision, the clinical research assistant will assist in the acquisition and analysis of participant information, including research assessments, medical record review, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning, and will have opportunities to prepare and participate in presentations, posters and manuscripts. This research experience would be helpful for candidates interested in applying for graduate and/or medical school in the future. A two-year commitment is preferred.

RA Position Bradley Hospital Pediatric Neuromodulation

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Brian Kavanaugh PsyD ABPP (pediatric neuropsychologist) and Petya Radoeva, MD PhD (child psychiatrist) at Emma Pendleton Bradley Hospital are recruiting a research assistant (RA) for their current research programs, which are utilizing neuromodulation and neuroimaging approaches to investigate the neurobiological underpinnings of childhood psychiatric disorders.

[SQAB] We're seeking a post-bac Research Assistant

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The University of Kansas is seeking a post-baccalaureate Research Assistant (title: Assistant Researcher) to support day-to-day research project and administrative operations at the Cofrin Logan Center for Addiction Research and Treatment. This position offers excellent professional development opportunities, particularly for candidates seeking to expand an existing base of research experience and pursue future graduate training. The candidate must live or be willing to relocate to the Lawrence, KS area.

Careers in Psychology!

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Research Assistant in Women's Mental Health (Brown University/ Butler Hospital)

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The Psychosocial Research Program at Butler Hospital is looking to hire a full-time research assistant to work on studies related to women’s perinatal mental health. The position is available for start by May or June of 2022.

Clinically Oriented Research Assistant in the Vanderbilt Psychotic Disorders Program

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Full time research assistant needed to join a laboratory within the Vanderbilt Psychiatric Hospital focused on the study of psychotic disorders. Under direct supervision, the research assistant will be responsible for recruiting research subjects into various clinical research studies and assisting investigators in the collection and analysis of study data.  

Summer Employment for Education, Counseling, and Psychology Students

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Guided Discoveries is looking for college students who are passionate about working with children! Our summer camp in Clover, VA is looking for counselors for its AstroCamp, Camp CHOP, and Camp Motorsport programs. Summer camp provides a wonderful supplemental experience for education and counseling students. Your students will have the benefit of working with children in a more relaxed environment, allowing them to connect with children on a different level and in a different time frame than is often able to take place in a formal school or clinical setting. Many of our staff continue on to teaching and counseling careers after leaving us, and they all have benefitted from the skills and experiences gained by working at our summer camps. It’s a great way for current students to gain real-world experience and to get paid for it! Plus summer camp is just... fun! Our staff have opportunities to be creative, mentor children, make lasting, meaningful friendships, and develop skills that will benefit them in their personal and professional lives. If interested in a summer position with us, see the attached flyer, and we encourage you to apply here. The hiring manager (also listed on the flyer) is our Summer Camp Director, John Swanwick (

Full-Time Research Technician Position Available in CCP lab at WU

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The Cognitive Control and Psychopathology (CCP) lab is seeking to hire a bright, highly motivated and responsible research assistant to work on projects related to the neural basis of individual differences and aging effects on motivation and cognitive control (see below). This position would provide excellent preparation for individuals seeking further research experience and preparation prior to beginning graduate or medical school.    

Clinical Research Assistant Position with Boston University, Alzheimer's Disease Research Center

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Greetings, I am pleased to announce that the Boston University Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC) now has an opening for a Clinical Research Assistant. This position will work within our research team on the Alzheimer’s Disease Clinical Trials. Details about this position, responsibilities, and expectations for starting are all found within the attached position flyer. We would greatly appreciate if you can circulate this flyer to any of your recent alumni and students who will be graduating this May. Please feel free to contact me if there are any questions about this posting.

Paid Summer Psychology Job

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Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) is recruiting Counselors (typically undergraduate students) for our Summer Treatment Program (STP). The STP is an award winning, evidence-based program for children ages 6-12 with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) developed by William Pelham, Ph.D. and colleagues. The STP has been listed in SAMHSA's National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices. 

Service Year Opportunity

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Want to make a difference in the lives of young children? 

FIU CCF Summer Student Positions Available

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As you may know, I have conducted the Children's Summer Treatment Program (STP) for children with ADHD and related impairments for more than 40 years, most recently through the Center for Children and Families at Florida International University. The STP has been named a Model Program in Child and Family Mental Health by the American Psychological Association and has been named a program of the year by CHADD, the national parent advocacy group for children with ADHD. I am writing to ask for your help in making outstanding students aware of the numerous positions we have available. Positions are available for students who are interested in working with children in Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and Elementary age groups. Positions are available at our Miami, FL and Buffalo, NY locations. 

Mayo Clinic Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship

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By immersing themselves in a research lab, the SURF offers students an exciting way to build their skills as young scientists and test their inclinations toward research. They will have the opportunity to be mentored by top-notch scientists, to conduct exciting real-world research, and to form lasting relationships with faculty, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students and other SURF participants. The SURF award is $6,000, and the 2022 program is scheduled to run from May 31st through August 5th. Applications for the program must be received by February 1, 2022.

Neuroscience Research Associate Recruitment Program - NYU

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The Project Coordinator for the Neuroscience Institute at the New York University Grossman School of Medicine has sent the following announcement about research associate positions beginning summer 2022:

Upcoming Live Event on Choosing a Career

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Dr. Rodney Lowman welcomes you to join him in discovering how your interests, abilities, and personality help determine careers that you will find engaging and motivating.

Gephardt Institute podcast: the legacy of the insurrection on the US Capitol Building

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The American Democracy Lab Podcast, hosted by Associate Professor Alan Lambert and presented by the Gephardt Institute for Civic and Community Engagement, returns for season two by revisiting the insurrection at the US Capitol Building on the one-year anniversary of the event through a special two-part conversation.  

MGH Center for Anxiety – Recruiting Clinical Research Coordinator

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We have recently begun recruiting for our Clinical Research Coordinator position opening for June 1st, 2022. I wanted to pass along the job description for this position as well as instructions on how to apply for any WashU graduates or psychology majors that might be interested in applying to work at our program. Would you mind forwarding the attached job postings to the department and/or posting it on any relevant career bulletins at WashU?

2022 Fellowship Opportunity at the Yale Child Study Center

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ScribeAmerica Student Opportunities

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At ScribeAmerica, we hire and train medical scribes to work alongside physicians in medical facilities Nationwide.  I am excited to let you know we have begun hiring for part-time and full-time positions in the St. Louis area!

Research Assistant - Clinical Research (NKI-RS)

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Research Assistant - Clinical Research (NKI-RS) Applications are currently being accepted for a 2-year Research Assistant position starting Summer 2022 to work on the NKI-Rockland Sample Research Program (NKI-RS) at the Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research (NKI) in Orangeburg, NY. The Nathan Kline Institute fosters a collaborative environment where research assistants have the opportunity to gain excellent clinical and research experience.

Hiring Opportunity - Yale Child Study Center Research Fellowships

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The Yale Autism Center of Excellence (ACE) and Yale Social and Affective Neuroscience of Autism Program (SANA) is interested in recruiting highly qualified students for exciting pre-doctoral fellowships for current graduates or graduating seniors.  Anticipated start date is July 2022.

Only two weeks left to apply to Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (Neuroscience Track)

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I am excited to contact you about the Neuroscience PhD program at the Mayo Clinic Graduate School of biomedical Sciences (MCGSBS). The Neuroscience track within the Ph.D. Program at MCGSBS brings together nearly 60 basic neuroscientists and clinician-scientists as faculty — each of whom have wide-ranging expertise and truly multidisciplinary research interests — to provide students with a unique educational experience. Graduate students in the Neuroscience track can freely choose from labs at any Mayo Clinic campus, including Jacksonville, Florida, Rochester, Minnesota, and Phoenix/Scottsdale, Arizona to perform their thesis research.

Social Developmental Neuroscience Fellowship Opportunities for Seniors and Recent Graduates

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The Marcus Autism Center, in conjunction with the Emory University School of Medicine and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, is offering six fellowships: the Cohen Fellowship in Developmental Social Neuroscience, the Simons Fellowship in Computational Neuroscience, the Marcus Fellowship in Speech Science and Engineering, the Education Sciences Fellowship, the Clinical Research Fellowship, and the Implementation Science Fellowship. Students who will receive a bachelor’s degree by June 2021 will be eligible for the positions.

ACHE Admissions Update - Fall 2021

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University of Southern California- M.S. in Applied Psychology

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Paid Summer Reserch Opportunity

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The Weight, Eating, and Lifestyle (WELL) Center at Drexel University is proud and excited to share the Minority Pipeline for Obesity, Weight, and Eating Research (mPOWER). We are recruiting undergraduate students, post-baccs, and graduate students from racially and ethnically diverse backgrounds for an 8-week, paid summer fellowship.

Hiring Clinical Research Assistant at Brown/Rhode Island Hospital

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The lab at Rhode Island Hospital/Brown is looking for a full-time clinical research assistant who will work for two research projects. Project SNAP is an NIH funded study which aims to understand how teens’ social media use is related to risk for dating violence among juvenile justice involved adolescents.

University of Minnesota ~ Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics graduate program

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Please find attached a flyer describing the Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics (MPaT) graduate program at the University of Minnesota. Our highly interdisciplinary graduate program spans all areas of biomedical sciences with relevance to drug discovery and therapeutics development. We would appreciate it if you would share this flyer with junior or senior undergraduate students who are interested in applying to graduate programs in the biomedical sciences. Our application process this year is open until December 4th, 2021.

Research opportunities for graduating seniors

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I write to announce the beginning of this fall’s pre-doc hiring cycle at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, and to provide information on how these pre-doctoral positions can help your students.

Psych Mic

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The following should be of interest to many of our students interested in the breadth of careers and interests in Psychology.  Both the Psych Mic podcasts as well as the Newsletter are worth your consideration.                                   

Washburn University Clinical Psychology Master's Program Open House in Topeka, Kansas

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Hello! My name is Jordan Jennings. I am the Graduate Student Director of Outreach for Washburn University’s Clinical Psychology Master’s Program.  Undergraduate students are often unaware about the career opportunities available to them as a master’s level therapist.  Please let students and faculty in your department know about the upcoming FREE INFORMATION SESSION about our Masters in Clinical Psychology Program at Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas. 

RA position - Rhode Island Hospital

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We have a new posting for a Clinical Research Assistant position at Rhode Island Hospital. Please see the attached for more information.

Research assistant position posting in Providence, RI

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Childhood Asthma Research Program at Rhode Island Hospital/Brown Medical School seeks a full-time clinical research assistant for studies focused on asthma. 

Full and Part-time Opportunities with Developing Minds Therapy Services

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Developing Minds Therapy Services is looking for psychology students who may be interested in working with children who have a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Please see the flyer, which contains more information about this opportunity and contact information.

Research Position - NYU Langone Health

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The Anxiety, Stress & Prolonged Grief Program led by Dr. Naomi Simon at NYU School of Medicine is seeking applicants for a Research Data Associate position to start in Fall 2021. I wanted to pass along the job description for the recruiting position and my contact information for any recent graduates that might be interested in applying to work at the program.

Webinar on Applying to Graduate Psychology Programs

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The University of Alabama at Birmingham is hosting a webinar on this topic with Dr. Despina Stavrinos, a psychologist and Chair of the Lifespan Developmental Program, and a panel of graduate students to address application tips and usual requirements. Below is an advertisement for the event and the link for students to register for the Zoom-based webinar. We also hope other experts participate in the discussion with their tips. Registration link:

Full-time Research Assistant Position

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We’re hiring a Research Assistant and figured some recent WashU graduates might be interested. This position is ideal for someone who’s interested in going to graduate school, either medical school or a Ph.D. in psychology or neuroscience in ~2-3 years but wants some research experience/to get on some publications.

Open Research Assistant Position

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A TRIPLL mentee is currently seeking a full-time research assistant for their projects. Dr. Daniel Shalev is a palliative care psychiatrist that will be working on projects relating to the palliative care needs of individuals with serious mental illnesses like schizophrenia and serious medical illnesses like cancer. If you know of any recent college graduates that are searching for a research assistant position, please have them contact me at pak2020@med.cornell.eduto request more information or they can also send a resume and cover letter to this same email address.

Research Coordinator Position at Johns Hopkins BPRU

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The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine is seeking a full-time Research Program Coordinator at the Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit (BPRU) within the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. The Research Program Coordinator would work closely with BPRU faculty and postdoctoral fellows to implement research in the clinical pharmacology of substance use including human laboratory and clinical research studies.

Project Coordinator and Research Assistant Positions at Temple University

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The Mood and Cognition Lab directed by Dr. Lauren B. Alloy in the Department of Psychology at Temple University is hiring both a Project Coordinator and several Research Assistants starting Summer 2021. The positions primarily will support a new NIMH-funded R01 grant on an integrative reward-inflammation model of first onset of major depression in adolescence. The project includes monetary and social reward function (self-report, behavioral, fMRI), inflammation (serological assays), diagnostic and symptom measures of depression, life events, early adversity, cognitive styles and function, actigraphy, substance use, diet, and sleep assessments. Successful candidates for both positions will have the opportunity to engage in every stage of the research process, including initiation and implementation of new research protocols, recruitment and screening of potential adolescent participants, collecting, managing, and analyzing data, as well as co-authoring publications and conference presentations (including with already collected data from Dr. Alloy’s previous NIMH-funded mood disorder projects). These positions are excellent opportunities for individuals seeking to gain research and clinical experience prior to graduate study in clinical psychology or related programs.  

DIV12ANN] Research Coordinator Position at Rutgers University!

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Dear graduating seniors, Please see below for information regarding a full-time Research Coordinator position at Rutgers University starting Summer 2021. I would appreciate it if you would share with anyone you think might be interested!

Full-Time Research Assistant – Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development Study at WUSTL

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We are looking for a FULL TIME research assistant to work on the project described below. The person must be able to start FULL TIME by June 1st, 2021, and ideally part time prior to that. YOU MUST HAVE PRIOR HUMAN SUBJECT RESEARCH EXPERIENCE.

Job Opening for Psychology/Neuroscience Full-Time Research Assistant at Virginia Tech

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A full-time Research Assistant is being sought to support multiple NIH-funded projects in the labs of Dr. Pearl Chiuand Dr. Brooks King-Casas ( at the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at Virginia Tech Carilion in Roanoke, Virginia.

Full-Time RA opportunity at WUSTL for GRADUATING SENIORS

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We are looking for a FULL TIME research assistant to work on the project described below. The person must be able to start FULL TIME by June 1st, 2021, and ideally part time prior to that. YOU MUST HAVE PRIOR HUMAN SUBJECT RESEARCH EXPERIENCE.

Research Assistant Henry Roediger & James Wertsch Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences and Department of Anthropology Washington University in St. Louis

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We are recruiting a full time Research Assistant with a start date in summer 2021. The position is to coordinate research on human memory, in particular collective memory. This topic represents a cross-disciplinary enterprise, and the project is supported by a grant from the James S. McDonnell Foundation. The successful candidate will help to coordinate research across multiple universities in various disciplines, as well as helping conduct research at Washington University. The Research Assistant will play an important role in helping to develop research protocols. The position is ideally suited for some who is looking to gain experience in research before applying to graduate school. 

Research Assistant, Brandeis University

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The Aging, Culture, and Cognition Laboratory (PI: Angela Gutchess) in the Psychology Department at Brandeis University anticipates recruiting a research assistant to start Spring/Summer 2021. The research assistant will help with participant recruitment and data collection for behavioral and neuroimaging (fMRI) studies investigating the effects of culture and aging on memory and decision making. The position involves outreach to recruit healthy older adult research participants in the community, experimental testing of research participants in the laboratory, data organization and scoring, and coordinating and organizing studies across sites with a team in Taiwan. The position also involves travel to an fMRI center in the greater Boston area.

WashU Neuro Imaging Research Technician II - Psychiatry - 49996

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This position is in the Department of Neurology/Movement Disorders. This position is for the Medical School Campus. 

Paid Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) in Sensory Ecology at the University of Cincinnati

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Please be aware of a paid summer research opportunity for undergraduate students in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Cincinnati – the National Science Foundation-sponsored Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site in Sensory Ecology. The program is focused on research at the intersection of neurobiology, behavior, ecology, and evolution, and is directed at understanding how animals sense and respond to their environment at functional and evolutionary levels.

RA Position at the Brown Center for the Study of Children at Risk

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The Brown Center for the Study of Children at Risk has a new opening for a full-time research assistant. Details of the position are noted in the attached flyer. This is an excellent opportunity for graduating/post-bac students interested in obtaining clinical research experience.

WUSTL Full-Time Opportunity: The Connectome Coordination Facility in the Computational Imaging Lab

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The Connectome Coordination Facility in the Computational Imaging Lab (formerly known as the Neuroinformatics Research Group), is looking for a full-time, detail-oriented individual with excellent communication skills to help manage the vast amounts of behavioral and imaging data collected under the Human Connectome Project (HCP) family of studies.

[DIV12ANN] Research Coordinator Position at Drexel University

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Applicants are being sought for several full-time research coordinator positions in Drexel University’s Center for Weight, Eating and Lifestyle Science (WELL Center). The positions are under the direction of Dr. Evan Forman, Dr. Meghan Butryn, and Dr. Stephanie Manasse.

American Democracy Lab Podcast Series

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The Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences (P&BS) is partnering with the Gephardt Institute to produce a podcast series--The American Democracy Lab—hosted by Professor Alan Lambert from P&BS. 

SRI@FMHI Announcement – University of South Florida Summer Research Institute

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On behalf of the Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute (FMHI) at USF, I would like to inform you of a potential research opportunity. FMHI is inviting undergraduate students interested in substance use and co-occurring disorders to apply for a highly selective Summer Research Institute (SRI) funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). This program is designed for students interested in building their research skills within the context of substance use and co-occurring disorders to prepare for a Senior Thesis and/or graduate school. The SRI@FMHI is an 11-week hybrid program taking place from May 27 to August 5, 2021. Remote Learning will take place: May 27,2021 to June 25, 2021 and In-Person Instruction will take place: June 26, 2021 to August 5, 2021. 

Job opportunities in EEDP Lab

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The Early Emotional Development Lab is hiring for two new research assistants to replace some staff who are leaving for grad school in May. Attached is the job posting for students who might be interested.

Washburn University Master's of Clinical Psychology Information Session

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Licensure laws are very favorable for master’s level psychologists in Kansas. Yet undergraduate students are often unaware about the career opportunities available to them as a master’s level therapist.  There is an upcoming FREE INFORMATION SESSION about theMasters in Clinical Psychology Program at Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas. 

Summer Job Opportunity for Psychology Students

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I am currently in the process of hiring staff for this summer and am interested in the position being advertised at your university and to every student under pre-health advising. Our Team Advisor (TA) and Assistant Team Advisor (ATA) positions are an amazing employment experience and networking opportunity for undergraduate students, specifically those studying the health sciences, and I would love to have some qualified students on my staff representing Washington University. More information about the position and requirements for it can be found here 

Graduate Studies in International Psychology at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology

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would like to take a moment to introduce you to The Chicago School of Professional Psychology and its online master’s, doctoral, and certificate programs in international psychology, as well as our interest in recruiting students from Wash U to our programs. The Chicago School is a not-for-profit higher educational institution accredited by the Western Association of Schools & Colleges Senior College and University Commission and a member of the National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology. In 2019, the doctoral program in international psychology received the International Program of Excellence Award by the University Professional and Continuing Education Association. The mission of The Chicago School is to integrate and translate theory and research into professional practice in order to address the needs of diverse communities around the world.

WashU Neuro Imaging Research Technician II - Psychiatry - 49996

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Full-time Neuroimaging Tech opportunity at the Med School! The posting for this job and to apply students can visit: and search for job ID “49996”.

Mentored Summer Research Award

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Diversity Summer Research Awards: Are you an undergraduate who wants to work in a lab this summer and fund your own research experience? SRNDNA funds $5000 summer research awards for an at least 8-week intensive, mentored summer research experience for under-represented minorities (e.g., racial/ethnic minorities, low-income background, women in neuroscience). The award recipient is the undergraduate student, so they will be the primary applicant. 

Post-Undergrad Research Assistant Job Opportunity

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The Pediatric Anxiety Research Center (PARC) at Brown University is seeking new clinical research assistants to start in May/June of 2021!

You Are Invited | Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Spring 2021 Virtual Information Sessions and Opportunities

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For students interested in pursuing a career in the biomedical research field., the following may be of interest:  Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

Full-Time RA Opportunity in The Connectome Coordination Facility in the Computational Imaging Lab

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The Connectome Coordination Facility in the Computational Imaging Lab (formerly known as the Neuroinformatics Research Group), is looking for a full-time, detail-oriented individual with excellent communication skills to clean, count, categorize, recapitulate, and otherwise advance the quality assurance effort for data collected under the Human Connectome Project (HCP) family of studies, in a code-assisted manner. 

Research Position Available - NYU Anxiety and Complicated Grief Program

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The Anxiety and Complicated Grief Program led by Dr. Naomi Simon at NYU School of Medicine is seeking applicants for a Research Data Associate to start in Summer 2021. I wanted to pass along the job description for the recruiting position and my contact information for any current senior psychology majors, master’s students, or recent graduates that might be interested in applying to work at the program. Would you mind forwarding the attached job listing to the department and/or posting them to any relevant career bulletins? If any students have questions regarding the position, they should feel free to contact me at Thank you very much for your support! Carly Miron

Resources for Students thinking about internships and graduate school

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The following link has been provided by a graduate student at the University of Virginia to lists for paid internships, virtual graduate school information sessions, and resources for applying to graduate school:

Research Coordinator Position Opening in Neurology at NYU Langone Health

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We are hiring a Research Coordinator in the Department of Neurology at NYU Langone Health to work on headache related studies. The position will begin this spring and is a yearly position but we are looking for someone who will commit for two years. Prior research experience is necessary. The position involves: coordinating multiple studies, screening,  recruiting, informed consent, conducting enrollments, following participants throughout the study, abstract, poster and manuscript preparation, and grant writing. The Research Coordinator will also manage a team of undergraduates who help with the research. Statistical skills are a plus.

FIU CCF Summer Student Positions Available

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The Children's Summer Treatment Program (STP) for children with ADHD and related impairments has been ongoing for 40 years, most recently through the Center for Children and Families at Florida International University. The STP has been named a Model Program in Child and Family Mental Health by the American Psychological Association, and has been named a program of the year by CHADD, the national parent advocacy group for children with ADHD. There are positions available for undergraduate psychology students who are interested in working with children in Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and Elementary age groups.

Mayo Clinic Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship

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We want to make our majors aware of the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF). This program, sponsored by the Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, is ideal for college students considering, or curious about, biomedical research careers.

MGH Center for Anxiety - Recruiting Clinical Research Coordinator

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The Center for Anxiety and Traumatic Stress Disorders and Complicated Grief Program (CATSD) at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston is accepting applications for a Clinical Research Coordinator position. The center conducts state-of-the-art research aimed at improving the standard of care for people suffering from anxiety disorders. Our faculty and staff of psychiatrists and psychologists explore the mechanisms and treatment of anxiety, stress, and grief related disorders, including Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Complicated Grief (for more information see: for-anxiety-and-traumatic-stress-disorders).

Social Developmental Neuroscience Fellowship Opportunities for Seniors and Recent Graduates

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The Marcus Autism Center, in conjunction with the Emory University School of Medicine and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, is offering five fellowships: the Cohen Fellowship in Developmental Social Neuroscience, the Simons Fellowship in Computational Neuroscience, the Education Sciences Fellowship, the Clinical Research Fellowship and the Marcus Fellowship in Speech Science and Engineering. Students who will receive a bachelor’s degree by June 2021 will be eligible for the positions. The fellowships will commence in July 2021, and they are 2 years in duration.

Research Assistant/Technician Opportunity in Military/War-related Traumatic Stress, Moral Injury, and PTSD

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The Boston VA Healthcare System is seeking a research assistant/technician to work under the direction of Brett Litz, Ph.D., Professor, Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry, Boston University and Director of Mental Health for the Massachusetts Veterans Epidemiological Research and Information Center (MAVERIC). Dr. Litz’s lab is a very active and dynamic setting, allowing for involvement in many studies and initiatives related to the treatment of PTSD and trauma-related problems in service members and veterans, and moral injury.

Invitation to virtual neuroscience mentorship program for undergraduate students

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I wanted to reach out and share about the recent launch of our Action Potential Advising Program (APAP) which works to virtually connect young neuroscience students (“advisees”) with older professionals (“advisors”) to provide educational guidance and mentorship. The APAP’s mission is to bridge gaps in early neuroscience and psychology education through creating an international, centralized mentorship space that supports both STEM and humanities students

Research Specialist Position at Weill Cornell

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Research Core Coordinator Position at the Center for Autism and the Developing Brain (CADB) at Weill Cornell Medicine

Psychology Research Opportunities for Undergraduates + Post-bacs

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UMBC Virtual Open House Event

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University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) is hosting an online open house event to share information about their Master's program in Applied Behavior Analysis. 

Research Specialist Position at the Center for Autism and the Developing Brain

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The Center for Autism and the Developing Brain (CADB) Research Core at Weill Cornell Medicine is currently seeking a full-time research specialist to work on clinical research studies involving children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) (PIs: Steve Kanne, Jeremy Veenstra-VanderWeele, So Hyun “Sophy” Kim).

USC M.S. in Applied Psychology

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I am very pleased to announce that the Master of Science in Applied Psychology Program at the University of Southern California has begun its admissions process for the 2020-2021 academic year. This accelerated, one-year degree program is at the intersection of psychology theory, research, and practice in business settings.

CNS YIA & UM STAR Scholars opportunity

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Some of you may be interested in this University of Michigan program designed to attract 1st-3rd year undergrads from under-represented groups, financial disadvantage, and/or with a strong interest in diversity to psychology research. With help from the Association for Psychological Science (APS), they are making the virtual sessions available to students nationwide. The fall sessions are open to everyone; the winter sessions include more mentoring and require an application, due Nov 6.

Research position, post-graduation

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University at Buffalo Graduate Programs in Psychology

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Fall Preview Day at the Brown School

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The Brown School at Washington University is hosting a virtual Fall Preview Day on Friday, October 23rd from around 11-4pm. The goal of this program is to share with prospective students a high-level overview of our Master of Social Work, Master of Public Health, and Master of Social Policy programs.

Accepting Applications for Rice University's Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine PhD Program

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Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) in Psychology

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Full-Time Research Positions in Neurodevelopmental Disorders Available for Recent/New Graduates

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RESEARCH COORDINATOR position expected in the Psychiatry Department at the University of Michigan

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RESEARCH COORDINATOR position expected in the Psychiatry Department at the University of Michigan to work on the Neural Mechanisms of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Project (Dr. Anthony King, PhD Principal Investigator). The MBCT for PTSD project is a NIMH R61/R33 funded intervention study. The project tests how two different Mind-Body Therapies: MBCT & Progressive Muscular Relaxation (PMR) affect brain activity when used in the treatment of PTSD. We aim to recruit a diverse sample of females (with histories of interpersonal-trauma) and males (with histories of combat related-trauma) both in terms of SES and race/ethnicity.

Centene Partnership

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Clinically Oriented Research Assistant Position at Vanderbilt University Medical Center

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Clinically Oriented Research Assistant Position at Vanderbilt University Medical Center Full time research assistant needed to join a laboratory within the Vanderbilt Psychiatric Hospital focused on the study of psychotic disorders. Under direct supervision, the research assistant will be responsible for recruiting research subjects into various clinical research studies and assisting investigators in the collection and analysis of study data. 

Recruiting a new lab manager at Northwestern

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P&BS Seniors: The Northwestern University Adolescent Development and Preventive Treatment (ADAPT) program is seeking applications for a research coordinator.

Yale Psychology Sneak Peek for PhD programs

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Applications are now open for Yale Psychology’s Sneak Peek program in June 2020.

Wash U's Learning Center

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The Learning Center, now located on the lower level of Mallinckrodt Center, is the hub of academic support at Washington University. The Center provides a wide range of resources that can enhance your success both inside and outside of the classroom. Through participating in its programs, you will not only receive content-specific support but also develop the life-long skill of "learning how to learn." 

Summer job opportunity for psych majors

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The National Student Leadership Conference is a summer academic and leadership program for high school students. This program will provide students with a remarkable opportunity to meet healthcare professionals, established healthcare facilities, and develop their leadership skills through hands-on clinical simulations in diverse fields of healthcare. 

Job Openings for Graduating Students

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Hi P&BS Student, I am reaching out because I work as a research coordinator for the Early Emotional Development Program working with Dr. Joan Luby. 

Summer Research Institute at FMHI

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On behalf of the Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute (FMHI) at USF, I would like to inform you of a potential research opportunity to share with your students.

Job Opportunity for Graduating Seniors | University of Chicago / Addictive, Compulsive, and Impulsive Disorders Lab

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The Addictive, Compulsive, and Impulsive Disorders Lab at the University of Chicago is looking to hire a research coordinator. 

ITF Teaching FellowshipThis message is to make you aware of a special teaching certification program: Indianapolis Teaching Fellows (ITF), a teaching certification program that prepares recent college graduates to be outstanding teachers in Indianapolis

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This message is to make you aware of a special teaching certification program:  Indianapolis Teaching Fellows (ITF), a teaching certification program that prepares recent college graduates to be outstanding teachers in Indianapolis schools.

FIU CCF Summer Student Positions Available

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As you may know, I have conducted the Children's Summer Treatment Program (STP) for children with ADHD and related impairments for 40 years, most recently through the Center for Children and Families at Florida International University. The STP has been named a Model Program in Child and Family Mental Health by the American Psychological Association, and has been named a program of the year by CHADD, the national parent advocacy group for children with ADHD. I am writing to ask your help in making outstanding students aware of the numerous positions we have available. Positions are available for students who are interested in working with children in Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and Elementary age groups.

39th Annual Mid-America Undergraduate Psychology Research Conference (MAUPRC)

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Beginning in 1982, the Mid-America Undergraduate Psychology Research Conference (MAUPRC) is one of the oldest and most successful conferences of its kind in the United States. Providing undergraduate students with a forum for presenting their research remains the focus of the MAUPRC. Equally important is the opportunity for professional development of students who are to become future professionals in psychology and other fields.

Students: Apply now to boost your career as a summer STAR at NIA!

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Arlene Jackson, Intramural Recruitment Specialist, NIA Intramural Research Program

2020 UCLA Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference

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The 2020 UCLA Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference (PURC) will be on Friday, May 1, 2020 at UCLA and will showcase approximately 150 undergraduate psychology research projects in poster and paper talk sessions.

020 Department of Psychology Sneak Peek Program at Northwestern University

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Applications are now open! The deadline to apply is 5pm CT on Sunday, March 29th, 2020.

Research Assistant Position at the Center for Autism and the Developing Brain (CADB) at Weill Cornell Medicine

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The ASD and Developmental Science Lab (PI: So Hyun “Sophy” Kim, Ph.D.; at the Center for Autism and the Developing Brain (CADB) at Weill Cornell Medicine is currently seeking full-time research assistants to work on research studies on children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) including NIH funded studies examining early autism symptoms and validating innovative, early interventions for toddlers with ASD (PIs: Sophy Kim, Cathy Lord, Adriana DiMartino, Jim Rehg). The RA's primary responsibilities include behavioral coding, subject recruitment, testing participants with standardized assessments as well as play-based assessments, managing and analyzing datasets, and preparing and maintaining IRB protocols. Based on the previous experience and qualifications, the RA will be also trained to deliver interventions to target language skills in toddlers with ASD.

NSF-REU Site: Comparative and Developmental Origins of Social Cognition at Yale

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Hello, We're writing to spread word of a summer REU opportunity in psychology at Yale University. NSF-REU Site: Comparative and Developmental Origins of Social Cognition at Yale Dates: June 1- August 7, 2020

Research Coordinator Position at MGH Bipolar Clinic

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The Bipolar Clinic and Research Program at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston is looking to fill clinical research coordinator positions to start in June 2020. Graduating seniors interested in psychology-related jobs are encouraged to apply. The position is paid, full-time, lasts through June 2022, and may be of interest to people considering careers in clinical psychology, social work, or medical school. See the attached flyer for further details and information on applying.

The NIH-funded WUSTL ENDURE program opportunity

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Seeking undergraduate neuroscience research experience? The NIH-funded WUSTL ENDURE program engages undergraduates from diverse backgrounds in cutting-edge research experiences. Apply by Feb. 3, 2020. Students will be selected for their demonstrated interest in neuroscience, interest in a PhD or MD/PhD in a neuroscience-related field, and their academic performance to date. Get paid for your neuroscience passion!

Are your students looking for an internship? Green Corps alumni are hiring!

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Hello, Are your students looking for Spring or Summer internships? We just got word from some of our Green Corps alumni that they are hiring interns! Check out the awesome opportunities available below. Please pass this email along to any students that might be interested. Questions? Don't hesitate to email me back. Best, Peter Koulogeorge Green Corps Class of 2020

NSF-Funded Summer Internship at Yale (Canine Cognition Lab)

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This internship would be of interest to students in psychology interested in developmental or comparative cognition:

UNC Chapel Hill Diversifying Psychology Weekend

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UNC Chapel Hill Diversifying Psychology Weekend: March 26-28, 2019

Marcus Autism Center Research Assistant Opening

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The Marcus Autism Center, in conjunction with the Emory University School of Medicine, has an opening for a research assistant position within our Pediatric Neuroimaging Core.

Baylor University ABA Graduate Programs

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Social Developmental Neuroscience Fellowship Opportunities for Seniors and Recent Graduates

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The Marcus Autism Center, in conjunction with the Emory University School of Medicine and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, is offering four fellowships: the Cohen Fellowship in Developmental Social Neuroscience, the Simons Fellowship in Computational Neuroscience, the Education Sciences Fellowship, and the Marcus Fellowship in Speech Science and Engineering. Students who will receive a bachelor’s degree by June 2020 will be eligible for the positions. The fellowships will commence in July 2020, and they are 2 years in duration. Students can find further details at: and

Study abroad applications for Fall 2020

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Summer research program

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The Institute for Public Health at the Brown School of Washington University has opened applications for its eight-week Summer Research Program.

Paid PBK Internships

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We're Hiring! The national Phi Beta Kappa office in Washington, D.C. is currently seeking a Communications & Member Engagement Intern and a National Arts & Sciences Intern for the spring.

Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA) Fellowship with employment at NIH

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This is an announcement about an exciting employment opportunity for graduating seniors interested in careers in medicine, psychology, or neuroscience: the Mood, Brain and Development Unit (MBDU) at the National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda, Maryland, is recruiting applicants for a two-year, paid Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA) Fellowship with employment beginning in June 2020.

[MDRS] Immersive mentored research experience at the intersection of psychology, neuroscience, and data science

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Paid PBK Internships

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We are excited to share this opportunity for seasonal employment with The Phi Beta Kappa Society’s national office in Washington, DC. We are looking for two part-time interns to work on a variety of projects.

WashU and I AM Shakti Mental Health Conference

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This year, Washington University School of Medicine APAMSA is partnering with I AM Shakti, an organization specializing in mental health issues in South Asian American communities, to coordinate a conference aiming to engage with mental health on an academic and personal level with a focus on Asian American communities.

APA 2020 Summer Undergraduate Psychology Research Experience Grants: Call for applications

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APA 2020 Summer Undergraduate Psychology Research Experience Grants: Call for applications Application deadline is Jan. 15, 2020.

The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill is hosting its “Diversifying Psychology Weekend"

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The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill is hosting its “Diversifying Psychology Weekend” this March, specifically for students of underrepresented ethnic/racial minorities to come and learn more about the field and the application process. Students must be enrolled as a sophomore, junior, or senior in college or have graduated undergrad in the past 2 years to be eligible, and applications are due December 16th. More info can be found here:

Part-time on campus job opportunity with a mental health accelerator

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Title: Part-time (<10 hrs monthly) on-campus opportunity with a mental health accelerator (incubated by the Harvard Innovation Labs)   

Free information session about master's training in Psychology at Washburn University

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FREE INFORMATION SESSION about our Masters in Clinical Psychology Program at Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas. 

2020 Diversifying Clinical Psychology Networking Event

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The following announcement is for those from underrepresented backgrounds about attending an event if you are applying, or are interested in applying, to PhD programs in Clinical Psychology.

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville I/O Master's Program Informational Night

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The faculty and students of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s I/O Psychology Master’s Program Invite you to our open house Thursday, October 24th, 6 pm – 7 pm

Composing a Life Women Inspiring Women event

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Do you wonder how to balance your life between a professional career and personal goals? Please join us on Tuesday, October 22, 2019, for an inspiring evening with five successful women panelists, good food and networking. New panelists will be added as soon as they are confirmed.

Neuroscience Study Facilitator

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At Apple, we strive to achieve surprise and delight for every one of our millions of customers around the world. We are currently looking for a study facilitator to support neuroscience research in the Technology Investigation Team. You will work with other researchers to manage the data collection process for multiple investigations in parallel. You will possess outstanding interpersonal communication skills, high attention to detail, and a commitment to conducting impactful research in support of technology development.

Study abroad info session announcement

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There will be a study-abroad-in-Psychology information session Thursday, October 24, at 6:00 pm in room 215 of Somers Family Hall (the Psychology Building).  Study abroad advisers will be at the session, along with the Director of Undergraduate Studies and past student participants, to explain the various psychology-abroad options, discuss requirements, answer questions, and assist in making clear the various programs, courses of study, and requirements for those who may be considering study abroad.

Recruiting undergraduate research assistants.

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The Laboratory for Child Brain Development ( is looking to recruit undergraduate research assistants.

Educational Psychology Program at Auburn University

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I am writing to share materials related to the Ph.D. program in Educational Psychology at Auburn University. We are actively recruiting Ph.D. students, and offer funded graduate assistantships with tuition waivers on a competitive basis.

MA Program Child Study and Human Development at Tufts University

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We want to inform you that Eliot-Pearson will be hosting informational webinars for interested students, with the first scheduled for October 2nd at 6:30pm (EST). A flyer about the webinar also is attached.

Brown School Fall Preview Day

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The Brown School is hosting a Fall Preview Day next Friday, September 27th from 12:00 – 4:30 pm.

Open Call: PhD Student Positions at IMPRS-LS, Munich

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Below is an announcement for the graduate training program at the IMPRS for Molecular Life Sciences in Munich, Germany.  Links to flyers (‘poster general’ and ‘poster neuroscience’) are at the bottom.

SIUE Clinical Child and School Psychology Program

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Do you have a passion for working with children and teens to help them emotionally and academically?

RA job opportunity at University of California, Riverside

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Here's an entry-level RA opportunity for graduating seniors:

Psychology Guidebooks to better help job seekers, professionals, and students

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Understand the changing academic landscapes of mental health and its impact on careers and employment.


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ANNOUNCING: THE 2019 SUMMER INSTITUTE IN POLITICAL PSYCHOLOGY at Stanford University from August 4 – August 24, 2019

Summer Employment Opportunities for Current & Former Students

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Five programs in Central Iowa with four additional programs in Chicago, IL and New York City, NY

Research Assistant position available at Weill Cornell

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Florida International University Summer Program Student Positions Still Available

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Recruitment for Summer Treatment Program (STP) for children with ADHD and related impairments

City Internships | Spring Announcements

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The City Internships summer programs filling at a record rate

Study Abroad at University of Sydney

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Interested in studying abroad in Australia? Then come learn about studying abroad for a semester from representatives from the University of Sydney.

Summer Campaign Jobs for Students

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We are currently hiring students to join our summer campaign staff in over 30 cities across the country.

How to Calculate your GPA

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City Internships | Program Update

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Our Global Accelerator Programs in Paris, Boston, Chicago and San Francisco are filling very quickly, and I anticipate there will be no places remaining after the New Year. As such, I would like to take the opportunity to ask interested students to applysooner rather than later.

Summer Institute in Political Psychology(SIPP) 2019

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The Summer Institute offers 3 weeks of intensive training in political psychology. Political psychology is an exciting and thriving field that explores the origins of political behavior and the causes of political events, with a special focus on the psychological mechanisms at work.

Florida International University Summer Program Student Positions Available

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The Center for Children and Families at Florida International University announces Summer Treatment Program Counselor positions for 2019. The Summer Treatment Program (STP) provides services to children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Conduct Disorder, Oppositional-Defiant Disorder, learning problems, and related behavior problems.

WU Full-time RA opportunity!

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Full-time research assistant position available in Cognitive Control and Psychopathology Lab NOW! If you are a P&BS senior graduating in fall, 2018, please consider applying.

Synapse Neuroscience Panel this Wednesday

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Synapse Neuroscience is hosting “The Neural Basis of Consciousness and Free Will” this Wednesday, November 28th from 6-7 PM in DUC 276. The panel will feature four extraordinary professors debating the existence of the mind, brain, and applications to machines, technology, and more. Come learn about the brain and the intersections between neuroscience and other academic fields!

Exciting Fellowship Opportunity in Sports Psychology

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We are pleased to announce the American Board of Sport Psychology's 2019 14th annual Internship/Research Assistantship/Visiting Fellowship Program in Applied Sport Psychology. Over 150 participants, including undergraduates, graduate students and faculty from universities and colleges worldwide as well as practicing psychologists and sport psychology professionals and coaches have been trained in our evidence-based athlete assessment and intervention protocol. 

SIUE School Psychology graduate program

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School Psychology is one of the top careers in the field of psychology. This is because of the nature of the work (you get to help kids!), a generous starting salary ($63,000 on average in the US), and time off in the summer. In fact, there is currently a national shortage of school psychologists, so finding a rewarding position where you want to live is not difficult.


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We invite you to share an exciting employment opportunity for graduating seniors interested in careers in medicine, psychology, or neuroscience: Mood, Brain and Development Unit (MBDU) at the National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda, Maryland, is recruiting applicants for two-year, paid Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA) Fellowship with employment beginning in June 2019.

Opportunities at Center for Open Science

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We are hiring for a number of positions for an upcoming project to create a database of research claims in the social-behavioral sciences, along with open signals (e.g. open data), that will also be the basis of a large scale replication (new data collection) and reproduction (reanalysis on same data) effort (i.e. 200 replications/reproductions in 15 months and then repeated!).

Psychology Study Abroad

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We are holding a study-abroad-in-Psychology information session this coming Tuesday, October 30, at 6:00 pm in room 215 of the Psychology Building.  Abroad advisers will be at the session, along with the Director of Undergraduate Studies and past student participants to explain the various psychology abroad options, answer questions, and assist in making clear the various programs, courses of study, and requirements for those who may be considering study abroad.

Clinical research coordinator opportunity at MGH

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Massachusetts General Hospital has a Research Coordinator position available. Please see the attached job posting.

Pre-Health week and Synapse MD Panel Event!

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Here is a description of our event: The annual Synapse MD Panel allows students to interact directly with healthcare professionals to learn more about their careers through an interactive question and answer session. Come out to learn about different fields of medicine the perspective of doctors! This year, we are proud to host an otolaryngologist, a pediatric neurosurgeon, a neurologist, and a neuroradiologist! 

Job Opening for Psychology/Neuroscience Research Assistant at Virginia Tech

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Projects in the labs combine methods from experimental and clinical psychology, neuroscience, and behavioral economics with functional neuroimaging (fMRI) to investigate decision-making in healthy and clinical populations (including adults with mood/anxiety/substance disorders, and at-risk youth). Training will be provided for all aspects of the job. This is an excellent opportunity for those interested in graduate school in clinical or cognitive psychology/neuroscience.

Research Coordinator Position at Stanford University

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The Williams Pan Lab at Stanford University is looking to hire a research coordinator position for their neuroimaging studies. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Bullying Prevention & Intervention graduate program

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The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is seeking motivated and enthusiastic students who are interested in pursuing graduate training in bullying prevention and intervention research and practice. The Department of Educational Psychology has developed a bullying research emphasis with opportunities for students pursuing Ph.D., Masters, and Ed.S. degrees.

ASU Developmental Psychology Program is Accepting Applicants

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Arizona State University is currently recruiting students to apply for the PhD program in Developmental Psychology. The PhD in Developmental Psychology aims to understand and improve the lives of children, young adults, and of those entering the late-life years.

PhD in Cognitive Sciences at UCI

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As a student in one of the top psychology programs, we know you are an outstanding student who may be interested in graduate school - and we'd love to meet you. Check out this link for more information regarding our program:

Undergraduates interested in a Consumer Behavior/Decision Science PhD

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The Consumer Behavior group in the Marketing Area at Washington University in St. Louis invites outstanding PhD applicants with backgrounds in psychology, marketing, and/or economics to apply for enrollment in our doctoral program for fall of 2019. We maintain an active Consumer Behavior and Decision Science research lab studying topics including judgment and decision making, intertemporal preferences, branding, prosocial behavior, and consumer financial decision making.

NOW ACCEPTING RESEARCH SUBMISSIONS! - Opportunity for Undergraduates

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The Undergraduate Research Journal of Psychology (URJP) at UCLA is now accepting submissions of original undergraduate research papers to be published for its Spring 2019 issue. Please forward the following call for submissions to the members of psychology and psychology-related organizations, student groups, honor societies, research laboratories, and any other students who may be involved or interested in undergraduate research.

STEM Graduate Fellowships -- NSF, NIH, NASA, etc.

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As you know, the application deadlines for graduate fellowships are fast approaching!  The early fall deadlines sometimes catch students off guard -- I'm hoping you will be able to share our information with any undergraduates considering graduate school, as well as any current graduate students in STEM.

Navy APA-accredited Ph.D. program in Clinical Psychology

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The first attachment briefly describes opportunities to pursue a Ph.D. in clinical psychology at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, MD under the auspices of the U.S. Navy. 

Summer Coding Fellowship that would be great for Psych Majors!!

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The Less Annoying CRM Coding Fellowship ( is a summer program for people from underrepresented groups in tech. You’ll spend the summer working in the LACRM office learning to code with the help of our programmers. You do not need to have any prior coding experience at all. They will start with the very basics, and by the end of the summer, you will have built your own personal fully-functioning web app.

Brown School Fall Preview Day

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I’m writing to share some information about the Brown School’s Fall Preview Day, happening in Hillman Hall on Friday, September 21. The day is designed to introduce prospective students to the opportunities within the Brown School, while overviewing what it means to study social work, public health and social policy at a graduate-level. 

Save the Date: Graduate Programs in Psychology at KCU

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Join us on campus to learn about the Doctorate of Psychology in Clinical Psychology program at Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences. While here, you will have the opportunity to learn about our unique curriculum, clinical placement sites, and the application process as well as meet some of our current students.

RA job posting at Columbia University

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A psychiatry lab at Columbia University Medical Center is looking to hire 1-2 RAs. The listing says it closes July 27th but they will be extending that deadline. Please see below for a link to the information:

RA Job Posting for Weill Cornell

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 There is an available research assistant position at Weill Cornell,  please find the job description attached.

Opportunity for STEM majors at Washington University in St. Louis

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The Horizons Fellowship supports 200 outstanding university students in their pursuit to become multidisciplinary leaders using technology. Our fully-funded program provides real-world technology courses geared towards high-achieving college students. 

Denise Head awarded scientific heirloom

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A hundred years after the first women in Britain got the vote, women still only make up 23% of those working in core science, technology, engineering and mathematics occupations in the UK. On 6 June 2018, 11 female scientists from across the world will be presented with hand-crafted jewellery at the Suffrage Science awards ceremony, held at the Academy of Medical Sciences, London.

Post-Baccalaureate Opportunity at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

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The Neurobehavioral Group within the Division of Psychiatry at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center is an internationally known translational research team focused on improving outcomes for persons with developmental disabilities. Our interdisciplinary team includes physicians, psychologists, social workers, nurses, basic neuroscientists, and members of many other disciplines coming together to translate our findings in the lab into new and innovative treatments for our patient populations.

JCC Inclusion Counselor Positions Available!

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I wanted to bring to your attention an opportunity for summer work and experience in a disability related field.  The Jewish Community Centers of St. Louis are looking for people to serve as one-on-one shadow counselors working with children with developmental disability or other related diagnosis ranging in age from 5-15 in their JCC Day Camp program this summer. 

STL Summer ABA Consulting Services Positions Available

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For those students who may be interested in positions working with children with autism and who will be around for the summer, I’d like to make you aware of ABA Consulting Services (ABACS), LLC, which was formed in 2001 by Debra Bryant in order to serve children with special needs, particularly those with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).

Summer Fellowship Opportunity

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The Horizons Fellowship supports 200 outstanding university students in their pursuit to become multidisciplinary leaders using technology. Our fully-funded program provides real-world technology courses geared towards high-achieving college students. 

Summer Campaign Job Opportunities for Students!

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Want to spend your summer working on urgent issues you care about, gaining skills that will last you a lifetime, and make good money? The Fund for the Public Interest, a national non-profit organization that runs campaigns for some of the nation’s most prominent environmental and social change organizations, like Environment America and U.S. PIRG, is seeking hard-working candidates with a passion for social change to fill citizen outreach and Field Manager positions across the country this summer. 

Autism Awareness Week

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Presented by Night off

AmeriCorps Opportunity for Graduating Seniors: Refer a Remarkable Young Adult to City Year

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City Year AmeriCops members serve full-time in high-need schools to help students build social-emotional and academic skills.  City Year trains its AmeriCorps members to be leaders in a challenging role to support students where they are, not as teachers, but as near-peer student success coaches.

U of Pittsburgh APA Summer Undergraduate Research Experience

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The Department of Psychology at the University of Pittsburgh is pleased to announce its Summer Undergraduate Psychology Research Experience (SUPRE) Program, supported by a grant from the American Psychological Association.  Interested undergraduate students can spend 8 weeks working with a faculty mentor in their laboratory to gain valuable research experience. Students may choose to work with one of the following faculty mentors:

Psychology Guidebooks to better help job seekers, professionals, and students

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Here are links to Psychology Guidebooks to better help job seekers, professionals, and students understand the changing academic landscapes of mental health and its impact on careers and employment. 

Careers in Aging roadmap

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Please be advised that a career guidance resource has been put together by the Office on Aging of the American Psychological Association (APA), and is available at the link below.  It is designed for both undergraduates and graduate students to help them think about career opportunities in the field of aging.

Did you know Hofstra offers rolling reviews to Industrial/Organizational Psychology applicants?

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At Hofstra University, we are currently in the process of recruiting high quality students for our Master of Arts program in Industrial/Organizational Psychology.

Paid summer research opportunity

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Curious about careers in research? Apply for the… Summer Research Experience in Aging & Neurological Diseases Program at WUSTL. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Volunteers Needed for Annie’s Hope Summer Camps!!

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Annie’s Hope Summer Camps and our need for volunteers. They have received a few applications, yet there is still a great need for camp counselors (especially males)! They do not want to have a waitlist for campers simply because they cannot find enough volunteers.

Paid summer research opportunity

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Curious about careers in research? Apply for the… Summer Research Experience in Aging & Neurological Diseases Program. Please see the flyer for more information!

Summer Job Opportunity for Psychology Students

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Camp Walt Whitman, a traditional, co-ed Summer camp in the beautiful White Mountains of New Hampshire, is seeking staff for this upcoming summer. We are seeking a number of different positions to work with our campers aged 8-15.

Research Assistant position: Boston Children's Hospital/pediatric MRI

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The Gaab Lab in collaboration with the Fetal-Neonatal Neuroimaging and Developmental Science Center at Boston Children’s Hospital is looking for a Research Assistant to assist with all study phases of a NICHD funded longitudinal project which assesses functional and structural brain development from infancy to early elementary school age.

RA job at U. Wisconsin

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One of the students who previously worked in Dr. Carpenter’s Clinical Geropsychology lab has landed a great research job at the U. of Wisconsin and they're hiring again. Here's the job posting: Dr. Carpenter is happy to talk with anyone who might be interested, as would the alum.

Horizons Fellowship

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The Horizons Fellowship supports 200 outstanding university students in their pursuit to become multidisciplinary leaders using technology. Our fully-funded program provides real-world technology courses geared towards high-achieving college students. 

Job Opening at Judge Baker Children's Center, Boston for Graduating Seniors

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At Judge Baker Children’s Center, there is a Program Assistant position opening. Attached, you will find a PDF document describing the job responsibilities and qualifications. This position begins in June 2018 and applicants are accepted on a rolling basis. Do not hesitate to email ( or call Gemma Stern, (617) 278- 4288, with any questions.

Not too late -- STEM summer research programs

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It's not too late!  If you are still looking for STEM summer research programs for this summer, now's the time to apply.  Deadlines are fast approaching, but we still have 100+ programs in our database that have deadlines coming up in the next 45 days.

10th Annual Midwest Undergraduate Cognitive Science Conference

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The Midwest Undergraduate Cognitive Science Conference (MUCSC) is seeking abstract submissions from passionate students interested in presenting at our 10th annual conference on April 7th, 2018 at Indiana University in Bloomington, IN. 

Horizons Fellowship for STEM Students

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The Horizons Fellowship is a fully-funded opportunity that supports outstanding undergraduate and graduate students (of any year) in their pursuit to combine technology into their existing course of study. The Horizons Fellowship gives STEM majors the ability to learn about real-world technology and build advanced software products. 

Paid Summer Psychology Job in Kansas City

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Children’s Mercy Hospital (located in the Kansas City metro area) announces summer scholar Counselor (typically undergraduate students) and Lead (typically graduate students) Counselor positions for our Summer Treatment Program (STP). The STP is an award winning, evidence-based program for children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) developed by William Pelham, Ph.D. and colleagues. 

Stanford Summer Institute in Political Psych

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The Summer Institute offers 3 weeks of intensive training in political psychology. Political psychology is an exciting and thriving field that explores the origins of political behavior and the causes of political events, with a special focus on the psychological mechanisms at work.

MGH CATSD Recruiting Clinical Research Coordinators

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The Center for Anxiety and Traumatic Stress Disorders and Complicated Grief Program at the Massachusetts General Hospital is recruiting for our Clinical Research Coordinators position openings for May/June 2018. At this time, we are recruiting both for a Program Coordinator as well as several Research Coordinators.

Applications open now for I/O Psychology Master's Program!

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We are now accepting applications for our Master of Science (MS) program in Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology. I/O Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior at work and the application of that science to workplace issues facing individuals, teams, and organizations.

Funding for summer undergraduate research in Europe

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General Information:  Offered to undergraduate students at Washington University to undertake an original project in Europe during the summer after Sophomore or Junior year. Students currently studying abroad may apply!

Florida International University Summer Program Student Positions Available

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William Pelham (Ph.D., ABPP) has conducted the Children's Summer Treatment Program (STP) for children with ADHD and related impairments for more than 30 years, most recently through the Center for Children and Families at Florida International University since 2010.

WUSTL Undergrad Psych Volunteer Opportunity

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Seeking Mentors for Those Early in Recovery From Eating Disorders: Project HEAL recently launched a new pilot program, Communities of HEALing, designed to explore the ways that peer support and mentorship can help individuals to fully recover from an eating disorder.

Work with Children and Dogs! Summer 2018 NSF-REU Program at Yale

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The Canine Cognition Center and Social Cognitive Development Lab are seeking applicants for a summer 2018 NSF-REU program. The REU program is supported by an award from the U.S. National Science Foundation (Award #1659085) to Yale University as part of the Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program. 

Two Positions in the Georgetown Lab for Relational Cognition

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The Laboratory for Relational Cognition at Georgetown, directed by Dr. Adam Green, is seeking a full-time lab manager (preferred start in mid-June, 2018) and a half-time study coordinator (preferred start in July, 2018) to contribute to neurocognitive research on learning, reasoning, and creativity in high school students and young adults.

SURE program: Summer research opportunity for Texas undergraduate students

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UT Austin is now accepting applications for it's annual Summer Undergraduate Research Experience program. This is a great opportunity for students to gain valuable research experience and preparation for graduate school applications.

MGH Center for Anxiety -Recruiting Research Coordinator

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I hope this finds you well! My name is Samantha Hellberg, and I currently work at the Center for Anxiety and Traumatic Stress Disorders at the Massachusetts General Hospital. We are currently recruiting for a research coordinator position with a rolling start date, anticipated January 2018.

Summer paid undergraduate research opportunity

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The purpose of SPUR is to provide undergraduate students with an intensive 10-week research experience under the mentorship of a University of Utah faculty member. Projects are available in a variety of disciplines. SPUR 2018 will begin on May 23, 2018 and end on August 3, 2018.

2018 Latino Mental Health Research Training in Mexico: Now Accepting Applications

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The on-line application is now open for the NIH/NIMHD-funded Minority Health and Health Disparities International Research Training program (MHIRT) which we refer to as the Latino Mental Health Research Training Program.

NSF NRT Understanding the Brain: Neurophotonics Graduate Training Program - Graduate Applications to Boston University now open

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Boston University is starting the second year of our NSF NRT Research Training Program on the topical area of Understanding the Brain with a specialization in Neurophotonics. Neurophotonics is the understanding of how neural activities at the cellular scale drive computation, behavior and psychology.

Head Start Volunteers Needed

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My name is Rebecca, and I am an intern at Grace Hill Settlement House, a nonprofit here in St. Louis. One of the services we provide is called Head Start; it is part of a federal program to promote school readiness in children from low income families. Our center manager expressed some interest in having students who are interested in Infant & Child Psychology do some volunteering here.

Social Developmental Neuroscience Research Fellowship for Seniors and Recent Graduates

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The Marcus Autism Center, in conjunction with the Emory University School of Medicine and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, is offering three fellowships: the Cohen Fellowship in Developmental Social Neuroscience, the Marcus Fellowship in Speech Science and Engineering, and the Simons Fellowship in Computational Neuroscience.

David Lisak: Confronting Sexual Violence on College Campuses

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Please join SARAH in welcoming David Lisak, Ph.D., to Graham Chapel on October 25th. Dr. Lisak will speak about his research on sexual violence, which has included prominent work relating to nonstranger and repeat perpetrators, as well as the sexual violence dynamics specific to college campuses.

U. of South Florida Ph.D. in Behavioral & Community Sciences

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We wanted to let you know about a fairly new doctoral program established at the University of South Florida. 

Summer Coding Fellowship Opportunity

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The Less Annoying CRM Coding Fellowship is a summer program for women in non-technical undergrad majors. You'll spend the summer working in the LACRM office learning to code with the help of our programmers.

Find your niche

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My name is Jayshlyn, and I work at the D. E. Shaw group, a global investment and technology development firm. I wanted to reach out and let you know that we’re coming to Washington University in St. Louis for our fall campus recruiting events that you may be interested in.

Volunteer or Intern at The Alzheimer's Association

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The Alzheimer’s Association is looking for psychology students (or graduates) who might be interested in volunteering or completing a practicum or internship with us for the Fall semester. 


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A full-time (40 hours per week) academic hourly position in clinical psychology is available at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, beginning August/September, 2017. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is a top-ranked research psychology program, and this position would be a good fit for a student considering doctoral studies in clinical psychology and/or a research degree in psychology or a related discipline.

Recruitment for Provident's Life Crisis Services

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We are actively looking for volunteers, interns and practicum students. Please see the  attached for some information about Provident’s Life Crisis Services, upcoming training dates and a job description of a crisis worker.

Internships Available with Let America Vote

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Come and intern with Let America Vote, Jason Kander’s new grassroots organization that’s dedicated to protecting voting rights. We are now accepting applications for our summer internship and fellowship programs – looking for bright, energetic individuals who want to learn the nuts and bolts of how a first-class political operation works.

UNC Chapel Hill Diversifying Clinical Psychology Weekend: October 26 - 28, 2017

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The UNC Diversifying Clinical Psychology Weekend is an opportunity for talented ethnic/racial minority undergraduates and recent college graduates invested in pursuing doctoral level training in clinical psychology to experience an intensive set of seminars and workshops on graduate school in clinical psychology.

Full-Time RA Position at WUSTL

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Are you a recent or soon-to-be graduate looking for a full-time research position?  Do you have interests and experience in cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging research?

Research coordinator position

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We are looking to hire a new research coordinator for the upcoming school year, and are hoping there may be interested students in your program. Briefly, we investigate sensorimotor and cognitive abnormalities in individuals with autism spectrum disorder and related neurodevelopmental disorders using a variety of systems neuroscience approaches.

Annie's Hope Summer Camp - MALE Volunteers Needed

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We have received applications from some wonderful female counselors, but are still in need of at least 5 more male counselors at each camp. For every male counselor we accept, we are able to accept 3 male campers. 

Volunteer RA opportunity at Siteman Cancer Center!

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Interested students should contact Teresa Deshields via email: with a brief description of their interest and qualifications for the position. See attachment below.

The 2017 Summer Institute in Political Psychology

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The 2017 Summer Institute in Political Psychology at Stanford University from August 6 - August 26, 2017

Autism awareness week program

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The week of April 10 is Autism Awareness Week, and the Wash U chapter and committee has planned events that we hope you will join.  Please note, in particular, the panel discussion scheduled for Wednesday, April 12, from 5:30-6:30 in Seigle Hall, room L006, on Mainstreaming Special Education in the Classroom. 

Stanford Memory Lab Fulltime RA Position

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The Stanford Memory Lab is seeking applicants for a full-time Research Assistant position. Located in the Department of Psychology on the Stanford Campus, the lab specializes in human neuroimaging studies of memory and cognition, and how these functions are affected by aging.

Student Employment Opportunity - Youth-focused Summer Fellowship

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Future Leaders in Action, a nonprofit which cultivates leaders and strengthens youth-oriented nonprofits, is looking to hire and place college students or recent graduates, known as fellows, with one of our youth nonprofit partners to develop or implement a program over twelve weeks. Our fellows gain substantial experience, which helps them feel more confident in entering the workforce.

Residential summer camp positions

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My name is Dustin Baker and I am the Asst. Director at Wonderland Camp.  We are a nonprofit camp located in the Lake of the Ozarks, MO serving children, teenagers, and adults with a wide range of disabilities and special needs. 

NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates in Computational Neuroscience

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We would like to bring to your attention a 9-week NSF REU program for undergraduates in the area of computational neuroscience. We will enroll students from Biological Sciences, Psychological Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, Physics and Mathematics.

American Democracy and the Rise of Donald Trump: An Interdisciplinary Symposium

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We would like to bring to your attention an interdisciplinary  symposium on the Trump presidency, to be held Thursday March 9th, from 1-4 pm, entitled  American Democracy and the Rise of Donald Trump.

2017 Conte Center for Computational Neuropsychiatric Genomics Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program

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 Due to strong interest and new budget support there will be a 2017 Conte Center for Computational Neuropsychiatric Genomics Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program at the University of Chicago. The program starts June 12th and ends August 18th.

Anxiety and Complicated Grief Program led by Dr. Naomi Simon at NYU Langone Medical Center

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The Anxiety and Complicated Grief Program led by Dr. Naomi Simon at NYU Langone Medical Center is seeking applicants for Clinical Research Coordinator positions to start in early June 2017.  Please see the attachments for details. If any students have questions regarding the position, they should feel free to contact me at Thank you very much for your support!

Summer Camp Counselor Staff for the 2017 season

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Camp Courageous is a year-round recreational and respite care facility for individuals with disabilities.  Campers with intellectual and physical disabilities, brain injuries, hearing or visual impairments, autism and other special needs are served.

Psychiatry department has a research position

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The Washington University School of Medicine in the Psychiatry department has a research position open on a genetics of alcoholism research project here at Washington University School of Medicine.

On-campus work opportunity in career center

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The is a job opportunity at the WashU Career Center as a Career Peer. As a Career Peer, you would review any written materials students have to send to employers (resumes, cover letters, etc.) as well as some quick advising/counseling for different career-related topics/issues.

1st Annual Summer Workshop in Cognitive and Brain Sciences

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Are you an undergraduate interested in learning more about cognitive and brain sciences? If so, the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Delaware is holding its 1st Annual Summer Workshop in Cognitive and Brain Sciences.

2017 UCLA Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference (PURC

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It is with great excitement that I am writing to you announcing the upcoming date for the 2017 UCLA Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference (PURC).  The conference will be on Friday, May 5, 2017 at UCLA and will showcase approximately 100 undergraduate psychology research projects in poster and paper talk sessions.


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Northwestern University's Psychology Department is hosting a program on Friday, June 2nd and Saturday, June 3rd for undergraduates who are members of groups that are traditionally underrepresented in academia (including first-generation college students), and who are potentially interested in pursuing graduate study in psychology. 

Research Coordinator position at the University of Chicago:

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Dr. Jon Grant, professor of psychiatry in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Chicago will be hiring a research coordinator.  One of the current research coordinators will be leaving at the end of April and they are looking to hire someone to take his place, and have contacted Washington University.

Summer Research Experiences for High School and Undergraduate Students: 2017

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The Genes & Addiction NIDA Center for GWAS in Outbred Rats is offering a Research Experiences for High School and Undergraduate Students (REHU) program this coming summer.  Stipends are $4,000 for undergraduates for ten-week projects at the University of California, San Diego;

Social Change Organizing Fellowship for Seniors

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My name is Julia Eddy and I am an organizer with Change Corps, the one-year training fellowship for activists. As you might know, Change Corps offers graduating seniors and others a year-long, full-immersion training fellowship in grassroots organizing that helps prepare them for careers in social change.

2017 Latino Mental Health Research Training in Mexico: Now Accepting Applications

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The on-line application is now open for the NIH/NIMHD-funded Minority Health and Health Disparities International Research Training program (MHIRT) which we refer to as the Latino Mental Health Research Training Program.